Thursday, January 17, 2008

Long time, no see!

Holy Cow it's been busy around here! The holidays snuck up pretty quickly this year. I once again spent Christmas Eve wrapping, stocking stuffing, eating Santa cookies and taking pretty pre-chaos pictures of the wrapped presents piled all around the tree. Oh and I prepared breakfast that had to sit in the fridge overnight. Then I went to bed. At 4:45 a.m. It's become my crazy tradition. Wrap, sitting on the floor until my back is just about broken, watching movies, underestimating how long it will take to finish all my tasks (only 17 more presents, takes about 2 minutes per present, I should be in bed in about an hour) HA!

Anyway, enough about that-it's self-inflicted so I can't really complain too much.

I was off work for almost all of the days between Christmas and New Years-which was nice. We let the kids stay up for the ball drop this year for the first time-they were so excited! I took this kick ass pic of the kids on New Years Eve/Day at the exact moment the ball hit rock bottom-the clock actually reads 12:00:00 (go me!)

Well just wanted to pop on to wish everyone a Happy New Year! I hope to be able to share more funny stories and evidence, I mean humorous examples from the kiddo's very soon!

Friday, December 21, 2007

File under "P"

Just in case you needed something to bring to holiday festivities. I've always wondered-haven't you?

Sunday, December 2, 2007

The walls have ears!

Well actually no ears-but heads, with long protruding dangly legs that start smack dab between the eyes!

While I was food shopping last weekend, the other budding artist in the house, my 3 year old daughter, decided that there must not be enough paper in the house to color on, so the only logical thing to do, of course, was to find a nice white wall to draw on. Then find another nice white wall. Then another. Add a white door. I think you get where I am going with this.

Thank Goodness for Goo Gone! The sick thing is I left the first one. I thought it was cute. Our hallway still has a beautiful mural from my son when he was around 3 so what the heck right!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Do you see what I see?

I'm a very visual person. I look at something and see something completely different. In a rorschach test I would be the one that saw something that was not even one of the logical choices.

Sometimes when you see something in every day life that isn't supposed to be funny but really cracks you up, you are alone and you wish that you had a girlfriend to share the giggles with you. That would be me, earlier tonight. Maybe you will see what I saw in this picture, maybe not. Of course any of you that know me should already have the mental note that I have a dirty mind ;)

So from me to you...enjoy!

Seriously? What is that? Sweet & Sour? I'm still laughing. I apologize in advance for those who don't see what I see.

Coming soon: The newest little artist in the house takes her brilliance to the walls! Oh the joy!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Just sayin'

OK ladies.....enough is enough.....for as long as anyone can remember, bathroom humor has centered solely around men and boys.....the only mention of women's bathroom habits usually revolves around hair fixing and nose powdering....I say it's high time we venture beyond the creaky swinging metal door with the broken lock and address some issues we all know about but are too afraid/embarrassed to talk about.....

Let me start with some simple commentary/rules:

Check for feet! If there are any-try and hold off on releasing any loud embarrassing noises. It is uncomfortable for both yourself and the people left holding their shirts over their noses next to you. If you can't hold it in much longer-cough that strange throat clearing cough that is a signal to other stall mates that they may want to wrap things up and vacate the premises. If someone else lets out a noise that is both uncomfortable yet strangely humorous, don't laugh, don't even breath-just finish up immediately and get out fast. No one wants to be the recipient of that person that comes out with the "I had a wicked burrito at lunch" face.

Recognize and respect the power of the "Poop Stall"-every work place has one. If you enter the bathroom and someone is using it-leave. It's the right thing to do. Don't force the poor girl to clench the cheeks so tight she doesn't walk straight for days. If you must go in-move quickly-don't dilly dally and PLEASE do not stop and have small talk with co-workers you really don't care about but feel awkward because you locked eyes in passing on the way to the sink-do you really care how Little Johnny is doing in karate and even if you do-do you need to know right then and there? Take it to the hallway so the butt clencher can proceed.

What's with the pee on the seat? Is aiming that difficult? Is the hole not large enough? I mean there are some large butts out there but the shooting device is pretty standard. For the hoverers, planting your feet works well, and getting the TP all ready before you lock into the hover position helps also: no reaching=no dripping! If you drip-wipe it up-it's your own fluids so don't get all spastic about it.

Leftovers....face it ladies-sometimes some pretty crazy stuff comes out of us-and sometimes-one flush just doesn't do it. Don't leave your remnants for the next person. Take the 1.3 seconds it takes to flush again. Like Momma always said-leave a place the way you'd like to find unless you prefer things smeared with poop, give it another whirl.

That time of the know happens to all of us....and as many of us do, we blab about it to our girlfriends "Ugg these cramps are the worst" and get emotional over the puppy not able to climb up onto the bed in the Kleenex commercial ("come on little guy you can do it") but one way we don't want to hear about another gals menstruation is by seeing the evidence on the toilet bowl. We have all been dealing with this for many years so the fact that someone can not navigate the process is unfathomable. Here's a tip-go slowly. No need to yank the sucker like you're trying to get the baby out of the well. If for some reason you make a mess, clean it up. It's not that hard to do a little wipe down before exiting. Again remember Momma's wisdom!

If you are one of those people that thinks the bathroom is made for these reasons and you don't feel you have to follow these rules, then go ahead and let 'er rip-but don't be surprised if next time you walk down the hall there are glances and whispers!

Last tip-if there is spray, use it. Just a shot or 2-don't gag the next users with enough citrus to start a grove their next visit.

Hopefully these tips have helped some. I have had endless discussions on this topic with many of my gal friends and the painful truth of the matter is-we like to poop in peace. In a perfect world, the little brown monster wouldn't be knocking on the door until we were safely in our homes, out of the public ear, and nose, but sadly that isn't always the case.

Here's to empty bathrooms, music loud enough to cover bowel noises, and a vast array of scented odor eliminators. For those that are able to always hold out until they are in the comfort of their own homes, I applaud you (and am extremely jealous), for those of us who can't always make it till quitting time, happy pooping ladies, may the force be with you (and no one else!) :)

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Musings of a 7 Year Old

My 7 year old son has been quite the little artist lately. He recreated all the Pokemon cards he has...some traced and some drawn free hand-did a pretty good job too. He is getting better the more practice he gets. It's a big step from the circles with lines that used to represent all of us not that long ago.

I came into his room the other night to find this masterpiece taped to his dresser:

If you can't make it out, it says "King Bling-Makes Mad Dance Moves-Royal Bling". The character is very South Park-esque. That smirky mouth and those sleepy eyelids. I like the arrows pointing to the corresponding drawn details-the dancing feet and the big gold chain. Look out Trey Parker!

Just wanted to share that little humerous tidbit.

Happy Turkey Day!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Is Barbie not thin enough?

I came into the living room over the weekend to see this:

I asked my daughter what this setup was exactly (with a slight worry in my voice as to what she may have witnessed). She smiled at me and said "Mommy, my dollies are doing push-ups". I laughed and laughed and had to snap a shot of the Barbie Gym that had become my couch.

Later that evening, after putting my little workout afficianado to bed, I came into the living room to find:

Who knew?! These little blobs of plastic perfection are push-up feigns! I decided to leave them there till morning-Ballet Barbie was looking a little flabby in the arms. I have not since seen them working out. I think they may be on strike-or maybe my daughter's workout routine takes after mine-it's fun for about a day-then I'm over it ;)

I guess I should be thankful I didn't walk in to find this.

Happy Monday!